Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2
The latest member of the Dragon Medical family, it’s designed
and priced especially for smaller practices to help clinicians
accelerate adoption of their chosen EHR. Using Dragon
Medical Practice Edition 2 ensures clinicians document care
more completely and ‘in their own words’. Clinicians using
Dragon Medical solutions have experienced substantially
greater satisfaction than clinicians who use the EHR without
Dragon Medical solutions.
Available only for practices of 24 physicians or less,
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 is 99% accurate ‘out of the
box’ and includes medical vocabularies covering more than
90 medical specialty and sub-specialty vocabularies. It allows
clinicians to dictate in their own words, generating ‘once and
done’ documentation, which they can then review.
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 lets clinicians use a narrative
format to dictate the elements of a patient encounter where
clinicians need to document care in their own words, including
the History of Present Illness, Review of Systems, Physical
Examination, and Assessment and Plan. Dragon Medical Practice
Edition 2 supports HIPAA patient confidentiality guidelines, a
critical requirement for any practice concerned with patient
Clinicians also save additional time by using customized
macros to enter frequently-dictated text with a single voice
command. Additionally, the Dragon Medical Template
Library—a library of more than two dozen macros for standard
notes and an extensive list of ‘medical normals’ by body
system—facilitates rapid note creation. Overall, Dragon
Medical solutions dramatically reduce the time clinicians
spend documenting care—saving 30 minutes or more a day,
according to a number of studies.
Below is a summary of new features and
capabilities in Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2.
• Recognition accuracy
Turns your voice into text with up to 99%
accuracy. Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 is
over 20% more accurate ‘out of the box’ than
the previous version.
• Smart configuration
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 runs on a
variety of hardware, from small netbooks
to high-powered servers. The software
automatically detects hardware resources and
sets up the recommended configuration. Its
state-of-the-art technology takes advantage
of advances in hardware and runs in multiplethreads
automatically when multi-core
hardware is detected, to achieve better
recognition performance.
• Recognition analytics
A percentage of misrecognitions can be
caused by simple audio quality issues, such as
incorrect microphone connection or placement,
background noise, and microphone out of range
or low on battery. Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2
automatically detects poor audio input; it then
alerts the user (in various ways depending on the
issue), offering advice to remedy the situation.
This lets Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 use the
best audio possible—an important factor for
• Recognition speed
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 significantly
improves recognition response time. The
software is also faster than previous editions
when selecting application menu items by
voice, or executing voice commands that perform actions within applications (e.g., “insert
page break”, “make that red”, etc.).
• Smart corrections
In the past, corrections entered using the
keyboard were not incorporated into the user
profile. Now, when a user dictates something
and retypes it to correct a misrecognition,
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 identifies this as
a correction and uses it to adapt the user’s profile,
improving the software’s accuracy over time.
• Help system and tutorials
The Help system incorporates new tips and
illustrations, a redesigned Tutorial, short videos,
and easy access to related details such as a
glossary of key terms.
• Flexible input
Use your iPhone and Android devices for
speech recognition input.
• Navigating the computer desktop
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 now supports
more voice commands to show common
Windows® elements, including the desktop
and Control Panel, or folders such as My
Documents and My Pictures. New commands
enable users to effortlessly switch to a
specific window (Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 displays
a numbered list so the user can just say the
number of the desired window). In addition,
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 allows
shorter names for starting popular applications
(e.g., “start Microsoft Word” instead of “start
Microsoft Office Word 2007”).
• Improved playback
Smoother fast-forward and rewind behaviors
are now available and users now have options
to control speed and volume.
• Initial training time reduced for digital
recording devices
Creating a new user profile for a digital recorder,
or adding a digital recorder as a new audio
source for an existing user profile, is now much
faster: the minimum reading time required to
train Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 with
a recorder has been reduced from 15 to 4
minutes. That means clinicians can spend more
time providing patient care.
A Selection of Other Major Features
and Enhancements
• Supports HIPAA guidelines
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 protects
sensitive and confidential patient information
by supporting encrypted network file storage of
speech files, helping your organization satisfy
HIPAA privacy and confidentiality guidelines.
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 features
secure encryption methods, which provide
even greater levels of information security.
• EHR support
Medical professionals can navigate and dictate
inside EHR application software. Nuance
Healthcare’s Dragon Medical Certification
Program, ensures compatibility with most EHR
vendors’ latest releases.
• Improved Hidden mode
Users can dictate while reviewing lab or
radiology test results and save when finished
anywhere in the EHR.
• Medical vocabularies
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 contains
vocabularies covering more than 90 medical
specialty and subspecialty vocabularies, which
ensures high dictation accuracy.
• PowerMic II™-ready
Program your PowerMic II buttons to run a
Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 function or
user voice command.